Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Career Change

Dad broke the news of my selection into RIL last night. My first reaction was disbelief, then shock and then confusion. And I am still confused. I guess the decision to make a career change will always be difficult. The factors which are plaguing me are
  • Why am I unhappy? Is it the job or the company or the location?
  • Would I have been unhappy if I wasn't in Labs?
  • Will I cope up with all the grime, dirt and noisy machinery which will accompany me for the rest of my life if I chose to accept the offer?
  • What role does money play into my life?
  • How strong is my long term ambition?
  • Can I go back into hardcore engineering?

After putting my heart and soul into the preparation for CAT, I am beginning to wonder if this offer is worth taking. But, if I do get into this, my chances of getting into a very good college for an international MBA is very very high. Yet, I am unsure what to do. As always, I have to rely on God to help me with my extra unsure, turbulent and vascillating mental and emotional fabric. However the main source of my worry is the imminent loss of.....


Anup said...

Machaaa .. you got into RIL ?? when you going ?? where you going ??? Whats this ?? And how will this help you in your MBA ??

lemon tea said...

ages back maga... i already showed them finger. Now me wondering if it was a good idea